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Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation
“We respectfully acknowledge the Yamaji people on whose land I live and work and I pay my respects to their Ancestors and Yamaji Barna”

Midwest History and Culture

Timeline of Historical Events of the Mid-West


1788 British settlement (/invasion) of Australia.
1829 Western Australia Foundation Day.

Land Regulations allowed Aboriginal people the right to hunt and gather on unimproved land leases north of the Murchison River.

Large numbers of stock upset the ecology of the area, which resulted in the reduction or elimination of many plants and animals upon which the Aboriginal people depended, so clashes began to occur.


Compulsory education for children, however Aboriginal children on the stations received no schooling, as the 1871 Education Act allowed for Aboriginal children to be excluded on the slightest pretext.


Missions were paid by the Government to provide schooling for Aboriginal children, however there were no missions in close proximity to the Murchison at this stage, so Aboriginal children on the stations were still without schooling.


Gold discovered in the Murchison, attracting a large influx of miners and settlements being established in several areas.
WA established its own government and constitution.


WA Aboriginal Protection Act placed children under the care of the Chief Protector of Aborigines until the age of sixteen years. Aboriginal children were required to attend school, but those who did attempt to attend were often barred for ‘bad hygiene’.


All Aboriginal children excluded from the Mullewa School.


Teacher’s strike led to better conditions, however Aboriginal children were still excluded if parents of other children objected.
Protectors were active in removing ‘half-caste’ children from their mothers and sending them to institutions ‘to be civilised’.
Children on missions and in institutions were punished for using their language, and culture was forgotten as ‘European ways’ were taught.


Department of Native Affairs made responsible for the education of Aboriginal children, but not provided with necessary resources.


Introduction of the six o’clock curfew when Aboriginal people had to be off the streets. Mrs Avy Curley led a protest march through the streets of Mt Magnet.


The last Aboriginal child was excluded from school on ‘health and hygiene rules’ at Watheroo.
Karalundi Mission opened north (60 km) of Meekatharra.
Wiluna Mission opened.

1957 National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) was formed.

Yalgoo and Cue government Hostels for Aboriginal students opened.


Australian Constitution changed with regards to the recognition of Aboriginal citizenship.


Yanayi Yanma Aboriginal Women’s Group in Geraldton was established.


Reconciliation Australia Council established.


Yamaji Language Centre was established.
Mambo Native Title rights were recognised.


Aboriginal Affairs Department Regional Office was established in Geraldton.
Local Aboriginal newspaper, the Yamaji News, established.


Wila Gutharra Aboriginal Corporation CDEP established.


Bundiyarra Aboriginal Community Aboriginal Corporation new building completed.


Marra Aboriginal Corporation established, bringing together artists from the Midwest area.


Bundiyarra – Irra Wangga Language Program established.


National apology from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to the stolen generations, their families and their communities, for the actions of past governments, and their practices and policies.

Recent News

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Granites project gets underway

Aug 2nd, 2016
Wajarri Dictionary Reprint now available

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Mar 10th, 2016
MAOA Seeking Feedback

"This months Local Language 'Badimaya' | mayidyi - Aboriginal man, Aboriginal person | dyuba - Child | murni - Woman, Female | dyudya murni - Old woman | dyudya - Old person |"
- Dwayne Smith